Sunday, December 1, 2013


As sinners we have all lived a lie and convinced ourselves that we don’t need God. We have convinced ourselves that we can control our lives and that the beliefs we hold will save us. In reality the only thing that will save us in the end in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Regardless of how “good” or “bad” you are if you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ then he will inherit your soul upon your day of departure from this world into the next. What a joy it is and a comfort to know that Jesus Christ will keep you forever in the end. I am grateful unto God for hearing my prayers and for saving my soul from full condemnation and totally suffering. I am grateful that he hears me and listens to me. I am grateful that he understands me and that he loves me and that he wants the best for me even when I don’t take all the actions to do the best for myself. I haven’t always and in everything been obedient in my actions in following Jesus but one thing I know for sure is that God is always listening and enjoys conversations with me in prayer. If someone asked me what I know for sure about life and that is God will communicate with you in prayer and give you peace of mind in prayer…. O how wonderful is our savior Jesus Christ… Amen

Sunday, November 17, 2013

You Were Promised

(Acts 16:31 NIV) They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household."

A lot of times in our lives we see our family members go through a season of hardships and it makes us sad to see them not being all who God has created for them to be. It gets frustrating when tradegy shows up in your own backyard. When it comes to our friends we hurt for them and will help them and want the best for them as well but its something different that we recognize when hardache and sin creeps into the life of one of our own. I am in a season like this right now where I am watching a famly member be crushed under the horrible weight of demonic attack. I confess to you that I don’t know how to get this person out of their valley, I confess to you that I am sad for them and I confess to you that I don’t know the out come but here is the thing I believe in Jesus Christ and I know he hears my prayers. All of us will have that family member that worries our souls but we must also rely on the one who created their soul to deliver them from darkness. So stand on God’s word and believe because there is always a rainbow after the rain. God Bless You

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Is My LIving In Vain

Sometimes the pain we go through is like being tortured alive. The grief, the pain and the agony that we experience bring us to our knees. Sometimes it feels like our souls have been abandoned and that our prayers aren’t heard. Have you ever looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize yourself. You have become a stranger to who you really are because the pain is eating you alive. In these moments we must really rely upon God to change everything and to lead us on the right path for his name sake. Its ok to fall just don’t crumble. God has your back.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Let Go

The more you live and experience what you seem to find out is that all the planning in the world cant prepare you for what’s next. Life will always bring you new experiences to teach you about yourself and the people around you, friends and family, but what never changes is prayer. I find myself always in prayer even when I don’t believe that the outcome will work out but what I can trust for sure is that God hears me and knows my concern. In prayer I am heard and validated by the comfort of the Holy Spirit. God doesn’t always do what I ask but he does let me vent and he does understand where I am coming from and for that I am grateful. I can’t move mountains but God can. I can’t see what tomorrow hold but God holds the future. So my declaration is that I am going to let go and let God. I am just going to believe and know that he heard me and in that I will continue on.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Seeing That Parent As Human

Salvation is a relationship

O How I love the name of Jesus and everything he does for us in our individual personal relationships with him. It makes me love my  salvation even more because our salvation is not based upon religious deeds, a spiritual code or theological convictions but rather on a personal relationship with Jesus based upon communication: Do you know Jesus and are you talking to him. Salvation is a relationship. As I am sitting here watching a teaching lesson given by a preacher who I admire one of the things he said about a parent / child relationship that set me free was that our mothers and fathers cant be what our ideal is because they were broken when we got them. Before I was even thought of my father had issues and problems and habitual sins that had already planted themselves in the seat of his soul and were being feed by his depraved state of being as a human. So my expectation of him to be my hero was unrealistic because he was broken when I got him. It makes me weep, And it hits so hard because I always thought of others peoples fathers as being perfect  but I am sure now they had their own flaws. My dad didn’t know what he was doing as a parent because he was broken. It doesn’t take away from the fact that he should have done better but it can make me forgive him just a little more. I love Jesus because what he does as you mature in your relationship with him is he lets you see more and more of yourself in front of the cross with everyone else and helps you to realize that your need for him is just as equal as the people around you who you feel should’ve done better in your life even if it was your father and by doing that forgiveness comes into your life in all areas. God is God- Yes and Amen!!!!

Saturday, July 27, 2013


There are some pains that are too difficult to explain to others. There are some tears that only you can feel for yourself. There are certain grief’s that only you can walk in. There is a level of brokenness that happens in all of our lives that is only meant for you to experience. Sometimes trying to explain why you hurt so bad to another person isn’t worth the conversation. What I know in the moment is that my sadness is not meant for everyone. Its ok to build walls up in certain situations because you cant handle what others will say or how they will react because it will turn you off even more. Sometimes you have to accept the wholeness of a reality and realize there are certain spaces that are off limits to people when it comes to your heart and mind. Your not walking alone because Jesus will always be there with you but rather you are walking in step with what you have to go through. Its your journey and sometimes the only route to take is to be a little selfish because if you don’t you could not only harm others but you may harm yourself even more because once certain words are said, felt and put into your space they can never be taken back and the consequences may be too much for you to carry. So talk to God because he really can understand.