(Acts 16:31 NIV) They replied, "Believe in the Lord
Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household."
A lot of times in our lives we see our family members go
through a season of hardships and it makes us sad to see them not being all who
God has created for them to be. It gets frustrating when tradegy shows up in
your own backyard. When it comes to our friends we hurt for them and will help
them and want the best for them as well but its something different that we recognize
when hardache and sin creeps into the life of one of our own. I am in a season
like this right now where I am watching a famly member be crushed under the
horrible weight of demonic attack. I confess to you that I don’t know how to
get this person out of their valley, I confess to you that I am sad for them
and I confess to you that I don’t know the out come but here is the thing I
believe in Jesus Christ and I know he hears my prayers. All of us will have
that family member that worries our souls but we must also rely on the one who
created their soul to deliver them from darkness. So stand on God’s word and
believe because there is always a rainbow after the rain. God Bless You