Monday, June 30, 2014


1 John 5:14 And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us"

If you think of the trials that you have in life as a mountain then understand that there are only three ways that you can get through a mountain: you can climb over it, you can go around it or you have to tunnel through it. Whatever the challenge that you are facing right now know that however God has designed for you to GET THROUGH THE PROCESS have confidence towards him that when you call on him for wisdom, comfort, protection or just to vent to him he will hear you. So many times and so many people feel like they have to have a plan when praying to God or have to say "the right words" or be "super spiritual" or whatever idols and lies the world has put out there about God. But the truth is you just have to talk to him knowing that he is right there and that he will hear you. Its a relationship and any relationship takes communication, time and effort so if you want to have a good relationship with the divine then you need to invest your energy into the process and make an effort because you will only get out of anything what you put into it. Life is going to have either hardships or challenges but its all about the perspective and how you view it. If your full trust is in God and not in yourself or the situation then you will see whatever it is as challenge that is doable and not something that is impossible. Stay prayed up and know that I'm praying for your victory in Jesus... #KeepItMoving

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Remember The Seed That Was Planted

Remember that moment when the real unexpected happened and you didn’t have an answer or even a clue on to how you were going to overcome the situation. You sought counsel, said a prayer, grabbed onto any type of hope you could find and tried to do your best. Well that is the Spirit on the inside of you that only comes from the divine that encourages you that even though you may have a lot of clouds you will have rainbows. I always am candid with people to the best of my ability, not perfect, but I make an effort to unfold some of the stories of my own journey in order to encourage others that they too can make it. I have been thinking a lot about my grandmother Margret lately and how life would have been different if she hadn’t passed when I was four years old. But what I have recently come to the enlightenment is that God’s perfect will was for him to call her home when he did so then when I got older I could tap into the traits that she shinned in. She was a nice person I am told and to be remembered for that is a great legacy. She had plenty of struggles in life like we always do but she stayed the course of no matter what happened  being nice to other people. My parents divorced when I was young and from what I am told she was intentional in protecting me from seeing any of the foolishness of two young parents. What a legacy!!! And it makes me happy to know how much she loved me and was thrilled about me. The unexpected was that I thought she would be here with me forever because of the bond I shared with her and my other grandparents Bob and Viv and how as a team they worked together to make sure THEIR baby was not just fine or ok but PERFECT AND STEADY. So in her memory and now as I enter the last year of my 20’s in just a few days I want to try and be nicer. People always say to me we know you love us deeply but were really not sure if you like anyone but Jesus, which I’ll admit at times that’s pretty accurate. I know that I can never fill her shoes of being as nice as she was but what I can do is make more of an effort to be all that I can be and who I was created to be and that is what she would want for me. My Grandma Viv put in me prayer and holiness, my grandpa Bob trained me to be a man, and even though we only loved each other for four short years her spirit of being nice always is really starting to make me think about how I can walk in my own niceness and in my own style. The lesson is this: those who transition into eternity plant a seed into our lives and if we can just take that seed and make it our own then we will honor them as we continue to grow and live in life. So as I face trails, tribulations, attacks of the enemy and personal growth I can take the seed of being nice that my grandma Margret left me and put it into the world in my own way and with my own style. That’s what becoming your best self is about. That’s what’s walking to the beat of your own drum is about. That’s what being all that your designed to be is all about. Taking what was planted into you and giving it your own style, rhythm, and beat. So if you have lost someone you love take heart that what they came to teach you even if it was only for a short while one day you will grasp it and say “Ok that’s what they were trying to show us” and my grandmother Margret taught, implanted and left to me “Be Nice Always, because you can catch more bees with honey than with vinegar”. Don’t miss the lesson because everything that happens is lessons God would have you to learn. #LoveYa #KeepItMoving

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Why Is It A Bad Thing?

Why is it a bad thing that it ended? Why is it a bad thing that the song or theme changed? Why is it a bad thing that the person left, died or cant give you what you need. What you have to realize is that not everyone comes to be with you forever on the journey of life. Some people come just for a season and what hurts us to our soul is when we try and take what God meant for temporary and make it everlasting. The less you focus on the bridge thats burning and the more you are grateful for the path you have left the less sad you will be. We have to be determined to change our focus and to start looking at Life and the things around us as God looks at it. Not as a loss but as a lesson and until we do that we will have to continue to repeat the lessons over and over again. So what is it that you gained? What did you learn about yourself; remember it was never about the other person in the first place it was always about you. What you tolerate, how you teach people to treat you and how you react to the energy of others. You can either be your own worse enemy or you can be victorious but the decision is up to you. You can take the bricks of life that are thrown at you and continue to trip over them or you can use them to make a staircase to the victory that is already yours. Hold on, dig in and surrender your all to the all knowing God and he will bring you the tools, comfort and guidance that you need. Remember its never to late to find the joy you've been craving for in your soul. #KeepItMoving

Monday, June 16, 2014

Take The Risk

My soul is in lingo it’s been here before, trying to decided if it’s important to hold on or to let go. The issues that surround me seem so deep and heavy but I know that if I hold on things can get better. Getting better does not mean things will look the same or feel the same or act the same. Most of the times getting better must mean losing everything. There are blessings in the breaking of your situation. Roads in life are meant to change and they don’t have to be left behind with bitterness or regret. Most of the time things change and what you can do it be grateful for the lessons you got out of it or choose to be bitter, but the choice is yours. Walking away is never easy, but if you hold onto your history you do it at the risk of your destiny. Fight for yourself. Fight for your own joy. Fight for your own freedom. If someone or something or some type of experience informs you that it fully loves you, then it will fully liberate you to be all that God has called you to be and if it doesn’t; if it comes with expectations or conditions then that is ego and choose for yourself not to be around that situation. You must be free, you must be yourself and you must get to a place where you enjoy your life and the love of yourself and until you get there you’re always going to be wishing or hoping for something different. Free your mind and the rest will follow. #KeepItMoving

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Class 101- Discover Who You Were Created To Be

Over the past few weeks a lot has been going on and a lot of memories have been coming to my mind. My friend went to heaven a few weeks ago and it has just got my mind thinking about myself, life and what I hope the core of my soul really is. Its also NBA finals time and it makes me think a lot about my dad because I know he is somewhere eating BBQ, drinking several beers lol and getting ready for the series.

As I have been thinking and going over things in my own soul I always want to be on the path of discovering who I have been created to be even more in depth everyday. I want to know more about God's intentional and personal love for me. I want to figure out and correct the habitual sins of myself. I want to make intentional efforts to be more kinder and pray more for people. I want to read my Bible more and discover the lessons, stories and principles that God has for me. I want my story or legacy to be that I knew that Jesus Christ loved me, saved me and wants me and that I tried my best to Love him back and if in the end I have done that then I know my soul will be at rest.

My encouragement to you is to find who you are, find what God's original plan for you is. Find what makes your soul come alive and chase after it and be willing to do whatever it takes to grab hold to it. And in the process of the journey love a little more, pray a little more, be grateful a little more and make sure that your living isn't in vain.

We all have different paths, roads and challenges but in the end I believe that those who become the best reflection of what the creator has designed them to be and then return their lives with thanks to Him will be preserved for the next chapter that God will unfold when he is ready for Christ return.

Find yourself, co create your future and then thank Jesus for all he has done for you.
