So what happens when you receive bad news? Regardless if you are a Christian or not I think that we all have the same feeling. We are distressed, filled with pain, a sense of hope is lost and we are filled with unexplained emotions. In my personal opinion I think this is the moment when we need to get filled up with hope. When we need to gear our minds and hearts with determination and prayer. In this moment when we fill like the earth is shaking, the world has collapsed, and life simply sucks- in this moment I think we as people need to get on our knees and pray. We must pray for patience, we must pray for God’s will to be done, we must pray that no matter how bad the storm gets that we will still believe. Here’s the test, all that you have believed, preached and stood on now comes into play and people are watching. I must confess that in my personal weakest moment in life, I failed. I got angry, I stopped trusting God and I intentionally went into a place of disobedience. This is why I am so fervent when I talk to people who just “got the news” to hang in there because the shame, guilt and pain that you feel later will haunt you and become a shadow over your life. Here’s what I know for sure and what I am convinced of no matter how bad the storm is whether it is in this life or the next: things will be ok somehow. When I don’t feel like praising God, I still have to. When I don’t feel like believing that God loves me, I must. When I want to give up on the fact that God loves me, I must continue to fight and have some kind of hope. Maybe the hope is not in my situation but in the innocents and laughter of a child. Maybe my defeat takes place in my soul, but I can still press on and believe and love when I see something good in the human heart of others. I know that when I ask God to be there, He is. Whether or not I like the outcome, I know that He is the resurrection and the life. May we as a people continue to believe in the hope that was sustained from the beginning of time. The hope of Jesus Christ.
"I would have lost heart if I did not believe that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living" Psalm 27:13
"When times are good, be happy, but when time are bad consider; God has made the one as well as the other." Ecclesaistes 7:14
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