Wednesday, December 17, 2014

somewhere between my head and my heart

I think somewhere between my head and my heart rest the wisdom convictionsattributes characteristics that I need in order to not only survive but to thrive as it's hard to walk away from something that you were so passionate about its hard to stop loving something that you would have died for it's hard to know that what you know has been abandoned life is difficult and the more and more I traveled this journeythe more I realize how difficult it can be at times but what I know for sure is this that God is good and that he wants what's best for me and he wants what's best for you and if we keep praying and keep trusting and keep hoping that on the other side of the mountain there will be the land of milk and honey we too shall persevere we can't give up on each other we can't give up on humanity we can't give up on the righteous and the good things that are for life we have to keep finding it may not always come or look exactly how you wanted it to look but it would and will be the way God intended it to me recently I had to leave a position and I thought that my job there was to turn the ship around when really my job was and what God had called me to do was to get the sheep away from the wolves it was my duty and it is my duty to always shepherd tlthem to always love them answer always support them but the evil that existed was just too much to fight and what God called me to do was to show the truth put it on the table and to let the saved go to places where God could use them they could grow and they could enjoy their lives I'm not responsible for evil I'm not responsible for people who don't want to change I'm not responsible for things not turning out the way that I thought that they should have all I'm responsible for is to stay in my lane and to do my job and that is all you are responsible for as well so enjoy the ride of life work hard do your best pray and always be kind because remember we're all kids at heart just be nice to people and if people don't return it there's nothing you can do but you've done your part God Bless You God love you and I got a new phone so I'll be Voice typing a lot of my notes lol

Say Thanks #HaveHope

When reconciling your last experience and trying to come to a specific conclusion many times the only thing you can do is simply "Say Thanks". In that appraoch you learn to let go of what you thought should change or what you expected but didnt recieve. In that you learn how to let peace remove the need to know that will drive you insane. You thank the experience for what it taught you and for the people it brought your and even for the people that it removed from you because all things are lessons that God would have you to learn but you have to not only be willing to take the test but you have to be willing to do your best to pass it in order to show your faithfulness and appreciation for the journey. We all wish life "had stayed the same" but it didnt and thats the only thing you cant ever learn but can only experience. So hold on, smile and enjoy it because the good thing is nothing last forever not even the tears.... #HaveHope